Nick Holmes Photo

portraits | people | life

Empowerment Portraiture

Portraiture is an extremely powerful tool of self discovery. That is the greatest surprise of my photography career. For years I have been helping people – artists and professionals, men and women, lawyers and housewives – empower themselves through the process of portraiture. There is something reached, something confronting, something born or remembered when a person and a photographer can coalesce into an honest creative energy.

In a session such as this, there is not work or effort, just communication and discovery. A process that continues after you receive the images – a private collection for you to share or keep for your own.

We lose track of ourselves once in a while. As artists, as lovers, as professionals, as people. Our work together will be a righting of the ship – a course correction, not an analysis. No matter your profession, your gender, your nationality, your size – the benefit of this process is the simultaneous revelation and growth. Your reaction to the shooting process will be one journey, seeing the photos will be another. I’ll take you through it all with the confidence of knowing how beautiful the result can be for your life.




nick holmes photo


“Shooting with Nick was one of the best decisions I have ever made. It changed the way I feel about myself, my surroundings and my opportunities in life. I arrived a bundle of nerves yet felt completely at ease within minutes, Nick has a calming energy about him that lets you know right away you are in a safe space. He is a gracious host, a gentleman and a true professional, your comfort level is his top priority. Shooting in his home provides an intimate space to work with and not having limits on your time together means you can allow yourself to live completely in the moment and focus on what you are trying to achieve, I did not feel rushed at all. I love my photos but I value the actual experience just as much, it affected me on a level that I can’t fully explain and took me to places I did not even know I needed to explore emotionally. You think you can’t do this, I promise you that you can. You have to make the leap though, it’s true what he says, the courage comes after. This is about more than getting a few flattering shots from a stranger telling you how to pose, Nick has the ability to draw out of you what is longing to be captured and the process allows you to connect with yourself in an exciting, courageous and of course, empowering way. After looking through all my photos I was surprised that some of the shots I was the most nervous to see turned out to be my favorites. Nick has a gift that probably presents differently to everyone, to me that gift was the permission to break through the barriers and walls I spent a lifetime building and to finally see myself in a true and honest form. No filters, no edits, just me, raw and unapologetic. Every woman no matter your age, background, size, history deserves that freedom. Trust me, this is something that everyone can benefit from, do it for yourself.”



“In a potentially nerve wracking endeavor, Nick’s professionalism and humility disarmed my anxiety and allowed my true self to come out, which was the goal. His intuitive eye and well honed skills combined to capture that self in it’s magnificence and beauty. I recommend any person to experience this unveiling of themselves, as we so rarely do, and bask in the beautiful art that comes from it. Nick is a worthy guide and a true artist.”



Elle Chase, a thought leader and a respected voice in the world of sex education, said of the experience in an interview:

“These photos capture a part of me that I could visualize, but never feel. Nick was able to coax a vulnerability and a sexiness I reserve only for a partner or a lover…I used to avoid mirrors so I only had the feeling and never an image of myself. Imagine that. At my age (45) finally seeing what I look like turned on, flaws and all.

As a woman of size, particularly one that lives in a city that values a certain kind of mainstream beauty and sexuality, I had never outwardly experienced myself as unequivocally desirable. I wanted photos that showed me the outward manifestation of what I felt inside. I don’t say this out of hubris, but out of an acceptance for a part of my womanhood that I worked very hard to achieve.

…it was less about showing my body than letting my past dictate how sexy/vulnerable/sassy I would let myself get. I wanted to challenge the message of unworthiness that still skulked around the corners of my self-esteem. I think it’s a basic human desire to want to be appreciated for the beauty we naturally inherit. That needs to happen first within, and then after that, it’s fun to have that appreciated by others.

[Nick] created a safe space for me to let go and inhabit that sexual part of myself. I felt like he wanted to see me get to the ‘good place’ as well. Without that, I don’t think I would’ve gotten such veracious photos.

…the best part of having a shoot like this. It was a litmus test which demonstrated to me, in real-time, how much of what I proselytize I actually put into practice…I think this kind of ownership of one’s body and sensuality is not only our right, but part of being a fully integrated human being.”


“I expected it would feel a little awkward at first (it did), and then, because I was blessed with an incredibly talented photographer who totally put me at my ease, I was able to open up, not just physically, but emotionally.  I came away from the session with more than some amazing smutty photos, but thoughts, impressions, and experiences I will be unpacking for months, if not years, to come.

…Nick’s camera, his lighting, skill, and his direction were like a magic mirror that showed the beautiful in me. I fell a little bit in love with that woman, the one I saw in his photos…But the rewards have kept on coming. I’ve gotten so much freer. Now whenever I doubt myself, all I have to do is look at the evidence provided by Nick. Worth. Every. Penny.”

Excerpt from Sex, Drugs, Rock ’n Roll, and a Tiara  – Beverly Diehl, author. (source)


“It was a surreal experience, sharing such an intimate, charged few hours with a man who was essentially a stranger. But hundreds of photos later, it was clear that he captured the core of my sexuality, and the woman that I have grown to be.” – Erica Jagger, Huffington Post






I have done this work for years word-of-mouth and am now making it public. The joyous feedback from people I’ve shot with all over the world has been tremendous and I’m grateful for every opportunity.

I’m not a doctor, I’m not a shrink, I’m not a guru  – I’m an artist, and I see you. Love yourself anew. Let’s shoot together.



  • Sessions take place in my home or yours – though I very much encourage you to join me in my kitchen (where most of the work takes place). You can read about the space here.
  • Your privacy and comfort is very important to me – please let me know if you have any questions at all.
  • These sessions are captured for black-and-white conversion, delivered digitally via a password protected download within ten days after the shoot.
  • Price for the session is $1199 and lasts at least three hours (most go well over).
  • Fees for work are non-refundable, barring technical issues during capture or post.
  • A deposit of $300 is required to complete your reservation (balance due on the day of the shoot). The deposit is not refundable, but may be transferred to a new booking if you re-book no later than 72 hours (three days) before your shoot. Changes or cancellations must be made no later than 72 hours (three days) before your scheduled appointment or your deposit will be forfeited.


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empowerment portraiture nick holmes




*Not for individuals under 18 years of age.